While most of the nations attention was squarely placed on The Debate, the final* three primaries of the 2024 election cycle were taking place in Delaware, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
The first and last of these didn't have a whole lot of drama for most political junkies; both states are solidly Democratic. However, New Hampshire had a heavily contested primary for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, and all three had a handful of contested state legislative primaries as well.
In any event, with those out of the way, I've updated the fundraising pages for all three states. There are still 2 unknown primary outcomes on my Rhode Island page, but then again, it's not like any of my followers have been donating to either it or the Delaware page this cycle anyway. Honestly, I only created pages for these states for completeness' sake.
UPDATE: OK, strike that...someone did end up donating $1,000 to one of the Rhode Island nominees after all, and the 2 remaining primary winners have now been filled in, which means that all of the "TBD" slots have now been filled in with Democratic nominees!
*Technically speaking LOUISIANA still hasn't held their non-Presidential primary, but that doesn't take place until Election Day itself (November 5th), and it's a "jungle primary" with all candidates from all parties running together. If no one gets more than 50% of the vote outright, it goes to a runoff election in December. In addition, there's no state legislative races in LA this year, nor are there races for U.S. Senate or Governor.
The only races relevant to the Blue24 project are U.S. House and state Supreme Court, but even then there's no races considered competitive for Democrats.